Whats happening at Freemasons WA


Matt T

Podcast Episode 8: Watch & Listen now

Get to know The Craftsmen, the social club for WA Freemasons with club President and Vice President, Worshipful Brothers Ricci and Campbell in this episode of the Grand Lodge Podcast. The Craftsmen social club is open to all WA Freemasons with a focus on coordinating informal social events and engaging

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Matt T

Podcast Episode 7: Watch & Listen now

MW Bro Peter Kirwan GM and RW Bro Danny Ganon DGM deliver updates on new activity for Freemasons WA. Masonic Assistance ProgramGrand Master’s StewardsDistrict Grand Lodge of Scotland membership concordatTwo Lodge WMs Watch Listen FreemasonsWA · Freemasons WA Grand Lodge Podcast Episode 7: Grand Master & Deputy Grand Master’s Update

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Matt T

Podcast Episode 6: Watch & Listen now

In episode 6, MW Bro Peter Kirwan GM and RW Bro Danny Ganon DGM discuss the changes to Masonic celebrations for Anzac Day 2020 as COVID-19 restrictions apply, and the policy for wearing civil and military service medals. Watch Listen This podcast is produced by The Grand Lodge of Freemasons

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Matt T

Podcast Episode 5: Watch & Listen now

In episode 5, Deximal Property Services General Manager and Deputy Grand Master, RW Bro Danny Ganon reveals the impact of COVID-19 on business at Deximal and the changes that have been implemented to maintain the high-quality service for Deximal’s clients. Deximal Property Services www.deximal.com.au info@deximal.com.au Watch Listen This podcast is

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Matt T

Podcast Episode 4: Watch & Listen now

Representing MCWA’s COVID-19 Steering Committee, MW Bro Bill Babe PGM and MW Bro Peter Kirwan GM deliver an update on MCWA and Grand Lodge’s changes in operations in response to COVID-19. Watch Listen This podcast is produced by The Grand Lodge of Freemasons WA featuring interviews with WA Freemasons and

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Matt T

Podcast Episode 3: Watch & Listen now

In this episode, Freemasons WA Grand Master MW Bro Peter Kirwan delivers his updates for Western Australian Freemasons. Recorded 1st April, 2020 Topics Masonic Assistance ProgramMaintaining contact with members during the suspensionResuming Masonic activitiesThe Grand Officers’ roles Watch Listen This podcast is produced by The Grand Lodge of Freemasons WA

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Matt T

Grand Lodge Podcast Episode 02

In episode 2 of the Freemasons WA Grand Lodge Podcast, we chat with Dr Ben Banwait from Bullsbrook Medical Practice regarding the developing Coronavirus situation and what preventative measures we should all be taking to minimise the chance of contracting the virus. Listen to the episode below. This podcast is

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Matt T

WA Freemasons tour Israel in Historic Event

On the 28th of January, for the first time in history a delegation of over 22 senior ranking Freemasons will be representing Western Australia at the installing of the ceremonial head of Freemasons in Israel. Occurring once every five years, the Installation is the most important Freemasonry event in the

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Matt T

Donate to the Grand Master’s Australian Bush Fire Appeal

Australian bush fires have already claimed at least 19 lives, destroyed over 1400 homes and burned over 6 million hectares this season and Freemasons are not the kind to sit idly by whilst our communities, indeed our nation faces these catastrophic challenges. This near-unfathomable scale of devastation means the time

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Matt T

A Brighter Christmas for Foster Children

Christmas is a time for celebrating with family yet some children have never had the opportunity to celebrate Christmas as we know it. In true Freemasonry spirit, some dedicated members of The Swan Lodge have set about helping local charity, The Foster Share Shed by donating their time and energy

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