Andrew Bannister Wins at State Awards

 Andrew Bannister has won the prestigious Masonic Care WA/Freemasons WA Community Service and Volunteering Award at the 2021 7NEWS Young Achiever Awards and was presented onstage by MW Bro. Peter Kirwan, Grand Master of Freemasons WA.  With hundreds of nominations, Andrew Bannister won the Award from a strong field of young achievers. We also congratulate and…

Grand Master’s Update

This week in his update, the Grand Master responds to the changes in the state government’s regulations for COVID-19 and addresses the reservations of those about attending the upcoming Grand Installation at the Pan Pacific hotel, which to-date is participating in the state’s hotel quarantine programme. The Grand Master finalised his message with extending his…

Grand Master’s COVID-19 Update

Please see the following update on COVID-19 regulations from the Grand Master in response to changes from the state government. With these recent changes, Lodges can return to pre – COVID-19 capacities in Lodge rooms and Festive Boards and enjoy fewer restrictions on catering options. This episode was recorded on 13/4/21 and we’re glad the…

Special Announcement: MCWA Aged Care

This week, the Grand Master MW Bro Peter Kirwan together with MCWA Board Chairman RW Bro Don Blair made a special announcement concerning the development of MCWA’s new flagship aged care facility including a tribute to some beloved members of the Western Australian Masonic family. Watch until the end to see the progress taking place…

Annual Charity Golf Day

This year’s Freemasons WA Charity Golf Day will be held at Wanneroo Golf Club on 14 May 2021. Those interested in participating should contact Fred Geldart for more information and to register your team. Details $150 per person18 holes, 4-ball Ambrose including golf cartBBQ lunch & three-course dinner with presentationPrizes awarded for nearest the pin,…

Grand Master’s Update

In this update, the Grand Master answers more of your COVID-19 questions and provides feedback on the fundraising appeal for the Wooroloo bush fire victims. Make sure to check out the Masonic Foundation page and make a donation online. All donations over $2 are tax deductible and your receipt will be emailed to you immediately…

QR Codes

As we all start to return back to meetings, it’s important that we continue to do the things that have kept us all safe and free from community spread of COVID-19.So when arriving at a meeting, please:Remember to sign in either using the Safe WA app, or if you don’t have a smart phone, using…