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Grand Master Message March 2023

Grand Master Message March 2023

My Dear brethren.

I trust you all had a restful and enjoyable festive period.

It is my pleasure to welcome you all back to a new Masonic year and the recommencement of your lodge work for the year.

Even though we have been in recess for the past two months, there has still been a focused effort across many of the current initiatives and operations of Grand Lodge, with some exciting initiatives being rolled out within the next two months or so, specifically around your own lodge’s health and wellbeing, which will create an opportunity to start a conversation within your lodge as to what the future may look like and what part you will play in that.

Keep a look out for the ‘Lodge Self-assessment & Health Check’, developed by the Education & Training Committee which will be coming to your Worshipful Master and Lodge Secretary shortly.

I wanted to thank all those members who completed the recent Masonic Foundation/charitable giving survey, which posed a number of questions on how you would like to see our charitable giving as a Grand Lodge, focused into the community.

The Board of Grand Lodge will be developing a ‘Strategic Pillar’ or plan for this very important part of our organisation and the survey that was completed by those who took the time to do so, will help inform the discussion and direction that the Board will explore.

We will provide an update to all via Pod Cast in the coming months.

I would like to remind all members that The Grand Master’s Disaster Relief Appeal for the victims of the floods in the Kimberley, is still open and has raised just over $30,000 at the time of writing this message.

It would be wonderful if we could exceed this amount and I would encourage all members, their lodges and families to please dig deep and assist our brethren and their communities in the Kimberley’s.

The library now located in Kingsley, and has been fitted out and all books shelved, with a cataloguing audit being done to ensure it is properly ordered and fit for purpose for members to use.

I am keen to find an appropriate date as soon as possible, to conduct an official opening and dedication of the library.

On a ceremonial front, we have equally been busy in attending the first two confirmed re-consecration’s of a lodge having reached its centenary year, with the first being The Darling Range Lodge in Kalamunda celebrating its 100-year anniversary.

A packed lodge room of over 100 members, past and present, Grand Officers and members of the public, enjoyed a unique ceremony that has not been seen in our jurisdiction for almost 10 years and was an opportunity for all to note the history of the day and sit in a lodge that has worked hard at getting their cultural settings right.

The Dangin Lodge are due to conduct their re-consecration and installation on the 15 April 2023, in Quairading. 

Our state was honoured in late February, with a visit from The Grand Master Mason of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, who travelled to Kalgoorlie on 25 February 2023, to install the new District Grand Master of the Goldfields.

In closing, I would draw your attention to an Oration written and delivered by our Grand Inspector of Workings, VWBro Ross Flood, at the recent re-consecration of the Darling Range Lodge.

I am sure you will agree with me. It will take you back to reflect on why you became a Freemason in an elegant and joyful way, making you feel like an initiate on your first night all over again, bright-eyed and yearning to learn, whilst equally reminding us why we remain attached to this beautiful Craft and what it creates inside us all.

Finally, a reminder to all brethren and Lodges that the 1 July 2023 Membership fees will be increased in accordance with the Constitution as outlined during our town hall meetings conducted throughout the state in 2022.

Enjoy brethren

MWBro Daniel Ganon

Grand Master

Acting Grand Chaplains Oration – delivered at the Darling Range No 112 WAC, on Saturday the 4th February, 2023.

Brethren, Ladies and Gentlemen

When I was asked if I would like to deputise as Grand Chaplain due to our Grand Chaplain Brian Crisp being a member of The Darling Range Lodge, I jumped at the opportunity as my father had served as Grand Chaplain in Queensland at a time when there was many Lodges being consecrated.

Reflecting on this I thought how different Freemasonry is to the time of my father being Grand Chaplain or to when the Grand Lodge of England was formed over 300 years ago, or 100 years ago when The Darling Range Lodge was consecrated and its relevance to today’s society.

We are living in a vastly different world, and some do question whether Freemasonry has lost its meaning in today’s world of the internet, Facebook, twitter, and the like.

It is my belief that Masonry is NOT dying, quite the opposite, it has survived all of the opposition it has faced down through the ages. Regimes have brutally persecuted our Craft and fought hard to wipe it from existence. Our craft found protection among kings and princes. Yet the greatest protection was found in the hearts of ordinary men, the indispensable teachings during the time of Solomon and Jesus are just as relevant today. Freemasonry now finds this protection within the hearts of men that join us. Especially the young men, who knock at our door, yearning for something of greater substance than what can be found on Facebook or some other shallow substitute for human contact, care and concern. Freemasonry teaches men how to better themselves, how to live a life of respect, of growth, of caring and of concern. Our lodges give men a place to meet other men of integrity who possess higher ideals than ordinary society presents at large. It is in the hearts of these men, where they first became Masons, that the flame of Freemasonry burns the most brightly. A flame that burns from within and is impossible to extinguish.

What would the world be like without Freemasonry in it?

In light of current events today throughout the world and even our own country where hate filled rhetoric occupies the news, it is more important now, more than ever, for us, as Masons, to practice the values that we esteem. To practice in our daily lives those lessons learned in Masonry. This is our foundation, our heritage, and our obligation.

It is our obligation as Masons, to share the light that burns within each of us. We have a moral obligation to live lives that reflect the principles of Freemasonry, that demonstrate the tenets of brotherly love for all mankind, and that exhibits a charitable life, not only in our hearts and minds but in our daily interactions with all we chance to meet.

The world is a better place because of Freemasonry and the incredible and amazing impact it has on our society. It is not because of some building, even a grand jewel such as this building, but because of the convictions, courage, and strength of men, like all of you here today, to make a difference. Each of us have the privilege of belonging to the greatest organization in the world. We have assumed the mantle of responsibility to continue to promote the ideals of Freemasonry and to introduce other men to the Light and teachings of the craft. Men whom I call my friends, my mentors, my brothers, my family. Freemasonry is alive and well because it lives in each of us, the future of our fraternity is in our capable hands. Let all of our actions demonstrate to everyone we meet, and to the world, our dedication to the ideals of brotherhood and the betterment of mankind.

In today’s world we have progressed and one of the most admirable features of Freemasonry in this state is the fact that it not only permits but actively encourage those who profess different religious beliefs. When Freemasonry was first introduced into Western Australia it was exclusively a Christian order. We are encouraged by our leaders of Freemasonry to be respectful and accept all men and not to discriminate because of Religious, political, race or sexual preference.

Let me close with the final 2 verses of the poem “Desiderata” written in 1927 by Max Ehrmann

You are a child of the universe,

No less than the trees and the stars,

You have a right to be here

And whether or not it is clear to you

No doubt the universe is unfolding

Therefore, be at peace with God,

Whatever you conceive Him to be

And what ever your labours and aspirations

In the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

Thank you.

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