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Grand Master Message December 2022

Grand Master Message December 2022

My Dear brethren,

Again, we have arrived at a most important time of the year, when we have an opportunity to spend time with those most important to us, welcoming in the Festive Season and hopefully being able to take a well-earned break.

It seems surreal to be at this point where the first 12 months of a new Grand Masters term have already expired. We are now both reflecting on the achievements of the past year, together with, importantly, focusing on the work to be done over the next two years in continuing to create the all-important pivot vital to ensuring we have a viable and contemporary Masonic organisation into the future and engaged and happy members.

Since last month’s message, several key events have transpired, which have seen us getting back to a recognisable operational rhythm and allowing us to celebrate our wonderful craft.

The AGM & Grand Proclamation were held on the 26th & 29th of October, respectively, seeing over 45 members present at the physical meeting at Subiaco and 70 Proxies received, demonstrating the engagement members have and desire to want to have a voice.

The Grand Proclamation was held on Saturday the 29th at the Fremantle Masonic Centre, which saw over 80 members present from the metro area and all country locations throughout the state attending, most of whom stayed on for the then Festive Board. The morning was a wonderful display of pomp & pageantry, with the Grand Director and his team doing a marvellous job in ensuring each Grand Officer was accorded the courtesy & respect they deserved and creating a morning of ceremonial that will remain in the minds of all who attended for quite some time.

I want to acknowledge all Newly appointed & re-appointed Grand Officers and particularly wanted to acknowledge those newly elevated members who received conferred rank on the day. I especially wanted to congratulate RW Bro Timo Niikula on his elevation to Past Deputy Grand Master after many years of faithful service to his Lodge and the craft in general and thank him for making the journey down to Perth from Exmouth to support his Worshipful Master and the brethren of his lodge – a well-executed plan that I trust was a moment of surprise & joy for the Niikula family.

We have seen the surrender of two warrants over the past 6 weeks, with King Solomon Day Lodge No 365 surrendering its warrant on the 24th of November and the Peel Districts Day Lodge No 392 surrendering its warrant & amalgamating with the Lodge of Golden Endeavour No 173 on the 25th of November, forming a new lodge, Peel Lodge of Golden endeavour No 173.

Whilst it is always with a heavy heart that we receive the arrant of a Lodge, we trust that the members of that lodge find new homes in either lodge that are already associated with, or in the case of Peel Districts Day Lodge, with the New lodge, assisting that lodge on its way to a bright and happy future, buoyed with the experience wisdom and support of members from the surrendering lodge. May I wish the WM & members of the Peel Lodge of Golden endeavour, success & happiness for a great future.

We are entering the last couple weeks of the Masonic Foundation raffle, offering a cash prize of $25,000. There are still several tickets available, and I would ask that all members please consider purchasing some tickets – only $5 per ticket, or for those who already have, some more, so we can get as close as possible to selling all tickets and returning a strong financial result for the Masonic Foundation and our chosen charities

I want to thank Tim McDougall, Jason Maeotti & Matt Trainor for their organisation and management of the Perth Royal Show exhibition, and all other brethren & friends, including a special thank you to the member of The Order of The Eastern Star, who assisted with the sale of our raffle tickets and highlighting and promoting Freemasonry in WA.

I reported last month on the progress of the respective committees of Grand Lodge on the Strategic Plan and the key initiatives that are flowing out of the committees with responsibility for delivering our strategic imperatives so I won’t recap on them here.

The Membership & Communications Committee, Education & Training Committee and the Ritual & Ceremonial committee, have all made significant strides forward in their respective portfolios, and you will see, early next year, new & exciting initiatives that will again, provide support for our members and their enjoyment of our craft.

May I take this opportunity to thank every member for your ongoing commitment to yourselves, each other and the craft and remind you to please take time over the coming festive season to enjoy the time with your families and refresh yourselves, ready for the new year and the challenges it will bring.

We are not free of the shackles of COVID and the numerous variants it is mutating onto, nor will we ever be as the world is now about living with COVID and making sensible decisions about the health and wellbeing of each other and your fellow brethren & their families.

That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t enjoy the time we have over these next few weeks, and may I wish you and your families, on behalf of Linda, myself & our families, a very happy festive season and joyous and safe New Year and look forward to seeing all of you in 2023, as time & circumstance allow.

Warmest regards

MW Bro Daniel Ganon

Grand Master.

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