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Grand Inspector of Workings Message September 2023

Grand Inspector of Workings Message September 2023

In Western Australia, we use the Western Australian Ritual, which in conjunction with the Manual of Rulings Lodge Workings is to be adhered too, to the best of our ability. On occasions, some brethren believe the ritual can be improved or enhanced and quite often I get verbal suggestions. Once a wise man said to me “A blunt pencil is better than a sharp mind” Therefore if you believe the Ritual can be improved, please don’t expect anything to happen if told to me verbally, put it in writing and I shall submit to the Ritual and Ceremonial Committee (RACC) for consideration.


It has recently come up about what are acceptable lectures and talks that can be held at a Lodge meeting.  All lectures approved by the Western Australia Lodge of Research (WALOR) can be held in the Lodge Room in the appropriate degree as advised by WALOR.  There are matters of demonstration ritual such as the Wardens Ruling the Lodge which can be conducted in a called-off manner in the Lodge Room.

On occasions, there have been presentations of ritual as conducted in other jurisdictions. These can be conducted with the Lodge called off but if to be presented in open Lodge needs approval from WALOR or the RACC. If in doubt speak to your DGIW who will obtain an answer for you. Talks on matters of interest in the main should be held either in the Lodge Room or the South after the Lodge has been closed.


On Monday 23rd August at the Invitation of The Lodge, I attended the meeting of Bunbury Koombana Day Lodge to give some comments and clarifications on matters of Ritual with some emphasis on the handling of IPM’s collar and the readmission of the brethren in the different degrees after the Board of Installed master’s is closed. There were many great questions and some interesting points brought up with clarifications sought and received. There were many Lodges represented at this meeting and I believe this was well received and if any other Lodges would like me to attend and give clarification on matters of Ritual, subject to my diary commitments I am only too happy to oblige. 


VWBro Ross Flood

Grand Inspector of Workings

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