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Grand Inspector of Workings Message June 2023

Grand Inspector of Workings Message June 2023

This Month I want to address the correct procedures for Admitting Visitors

The correct method of admitting visitors and reporting is:-

  • Tyler gives the knocks of the degree.
  • IG takes a step & gives the sign and says Bro JW – waits for JW to respond with S of F and says “There is a report” JW responds attend to that report. IG opens the door and receives the report and IG as before reports to JW. Eg if MM’s or PM’s the JW will respond “admit them” IG waits for the DC to get into position before opening the door. When the last brother in this group is admitted IG closes the door. When the brethren are seated IG opens the door to receive the next Report and follows the same procedure as before.
  • If the presence of an EA or a FC visiting with either a MM or PM the Tyler will report this to IG who reports the same to JW for the benefit of the Deacon (s)
  • When WM’s are admitted again report to JW who will report to the WM and IG does not admit until Deacons and DC are in place. DC should give a nod to the Deacons to put up the wands. Again, after each WM is admitted and everyone is seated IG opens the door to get the next Instruction.
  • When all visitors have been admitted the Tyler should say “All visitors duly vouched for have been admitted.
  • The IG again calls on the JW and says, “All visitors duly vouched for have been admitted”.
  • The JW calls on the WM and says, “All visitors have been duly received.”
  • Do not use the word “unaccompanied” for Master Masons or Past Masters. The Tyler may use the word unaccompanied when gathering the brethren prior to entry but not when announcing to IG.

As it is part of Junior Wardens duties to ensure no unqualified person is admitted – it is essential that the Tyler and IG report “Duly Vouched” for, and the JW says “Duly Received”.

Admitting the DGIW

  • If admitting DGIW after the Lodge is opened, he will inform the Tyler whether he wants to be admitted before or after visitors.
  • The IG will report to JW who reports to WM that the DGIW seeks admission
  • The WM will then request all brethren to stand to receive the DGIW
  • The DC then moves to the North West
  • The DGIW then enters salutes and is escorted to his seat by the DC, with the brethren being upstanding and saluted with Grand Honours three times. If the DGIW holds a higher rank he will be afforded the appropriate Grand Honours eg Past Grand Warden – 5 times, Past Deputy Grand Master – 7 times.

The same courtesy and procedure will be given to the GIW or Dep GIW if they are in attendance.

VWBro Ross Flood
Grand Inspector of Workings

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