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Grand Inspector of Workings Message July 2023

Grand Inspector of Workings Message July 2023

The meeting of The Southern Cross Lodge on Saturday 24th June was the last meeting of Southern Cross in this format. As per the changes in the Manual of Rulings as circulated by the Grand Secretary on the 13th June 2023, The Southern Cross Lodge No.44 will know operate as a Lodge of Instruction under the direction and guidance of the Grand Inspector of Workings.

After initial discussions between myself and the Deputy Grand Inspector V W Bro Steve White it is envisaged that at suitably placed time intervals there will be a  meeting of Instruction for each of the following.

  • The First degree
  • The Second degree
  • The Third degree
  • The Installation does and don’ts

A working group will be formed to work out the best way these can be run for the benefit of those attending and while some ritual work will be conducted the main emphasis will be placed on instructing and offering useful information on but not limited too.

  • Running an efficient business meeting.
  • Instructing a candidate
  • Co-ordination of when and what sequence certain action in the opening and closing of the Lodge occur.
  • Reinforcing correct timing and manner of taking the step and giving the signs.
  • DC’s and Deacons working in unison.

If any brother has any suggestions on matters, they would like covered or how they maybe able to assist please feel free to contact myself or Steve.

The Southern Cross Lodge in it’s new format as a Lodge of Instruction will work in conjunction with the Educational and Training Committee and The Ritual and Ceremonial Committee in assisting in maintaining the high standard of Ritual and Ceremonial Work in our Lodges and is not to be confused with the WA Lodge of Research which will continue its fine work in researching and presenting papers about the rich history of our craft, and all Freemasons are encouraged to attend meetings of the WA Lodge of Research.

Initially we are looking for volunteers who would like to be considered part of a small working group to discuss the implementation of a successful Lodge of Instruction. It would be hoped to select 2 current Grand Lodge Officers, 2 Master Masons and 2 other members as deemed fit to give a wide range of views.  

Points of discussion besides those mentioned above and having been put forward as points of discussion for the group.

  • All Entered Apprentices, Fellow Crafts and Master Masons expected to attend the scheduled instructional period suitable to their rank, especially those willing to take office next year and all Worshipful Brethren are most welcome as observers.
  • The theory being that where possible members will take the position that they are to occupy the following year.
  • Meeting suggestion being the 5th week day of a month with 4 or 5 meeting of Instruction per year.
  • Additionally, there would be an annual meeting and supper in November where the Grand Master and the Grand Officers as per the MoR would conduct the Lodge meeting where the labour would be for the GIW/Dep GIW provide a synopsis of the year’s endeavours.
  • Dress Code for November meeting :- Summer Dress with Regalia
  • Dress Code for other meetings:- Casual (no regalia)

So, the Southern Cross Lode of Instruction will become a place where our brethren learn our ritual, discuss etiquette, procedure, and protocol, and ask the GIW and Dep GIW any questions they have.

If you wish to volunteer for the working group or have any questions or ideas, please contact either the GIW or the DepGIW


Ross Flood                                                            Steve White

Grand inspector of Workings                           Deputy Grand inspector of Workings                             


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