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Evidence of Vaccination

Evidence of Vaccination

Watch the latest vodcast from our Grand Master where he provides an update regarding COVID-19 and our need to comply with WA Government Health requirements.

Key Points

  • We need to remain vigilant in complying with WA Government’s Health advice of the day to lessen the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic particularly the OMICRON strain and any variants
  • Accordingly, Freemasons WA requires anyone entering a Masonic Lodge Building to show evidence of being double dose vaccinated as a minimum.
  • Grand Lodge would like members considering visiting a lodge to contact the Lodge Secretary before doing so to assist in the lodge in managing compliance. 
  • So as to not offend on being refused entry, the Grand Master strongly encourages all members to be double vaccinated as soon as possible.
  • As Freemasons, we must take a leadership role in protecting the most vulnerable in our community, which forms a large part of our membership demographic.
  • Click here to access a link to a WA Health Department Dashboard, which has all the latest information about COVID-19 in Western Australia.

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