In response to the emerging COVID-19 situation in WA, the COVID-19 Steering Committee has issued new regulations for all Lodges meeting in the Perth and Peel region and are effective immediately. Please see the letter below detailing the new requirements.
28 June 2021
To the members Western Australian Constitution
Covid-19 WA restrictions as at 28 June 2021
In response to yesterday’s announcement of the reinstatement of health restrictions in WA, the Covid-19 Steering Committee have agreed that the following instructions are now in place for all craft lodges within the Perth & Peel Regions only, and remain until restrictions are lifted by State Government. These are:
- Masks are to be worn outside and inside lodge rooms.
- The 2m2 rule is reinstated therefore no installations or meetings with visitors are permitted.
- The rapid transfer of the new ‘Delta’ strain requires that no contact is allowed during any ceremonies therefore no degree or other ceremonies are authorized.
- Attendance numbers at festive boards are limited and the 2m2 rule applies.
- Contact tracing is essential with QR codes or the written contact sheets maintained at all locations – not only at lodge meetings but all masonic activities.
Lodges planning events/ceremonies just after the restrictions are scheduled to be lifted, should be mindful that the restrictions may be extended and the need to consider alternative strategies.
It is recommended that all normal lodge meetings (within the Perth & Peel regions) be suspended. However, if a lodge believes that they can still meet and maintain the above restrictions, with no visitors and no ceremonial work, they can still meet.
I want to reinforce that we must all remain vigilant and follow the general health recommendations while at lodge meetings and, please do not attend if you are feeling unwell.
I would like to thank all Freemasons for your support and understanding during these times.
Yours Fraternally
MW Bro Peter Kirwan
Grand Master