Masonic Foundation
Masonic Foundation helps vulnerable people in times of crisis to get back on their feet, and provides support to individuals and charities that contribute to our vision of a caring and supportive WA community.
From humble origins in 1901 we began with providing accomodation for WA war widows and orphans, and today, through our Emergency Assistance Grants and Disaster Recovery Appeal, we still provide immediate help to vulnerable people when they are in desperate need of the basics; shelter, food, clothing and medical care.

How to Donate?
Masonic Foundation is restricted to assisting persons who are in significant need, destitute or poverty stricken in Australia. All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.
We encourage you to use our secure online portal to receive your tax deductible receipt immediately.
For alternative methods, the following details are required in order to provide your tax deductible receipt:
- Full Name
- Address where receipt is to be sent
- Lodge number if applicable
If you wish to donate directly please contact us for bank details and instructions on 08 9355 3599.
By Cheque
You can post a cheque made out to us and address to:
Masonic Foundation
PO Box 929
WA 6872
Considering a Bequest?
The bequest program which is designed to encourage both the Masonic and the wider community to donate through bequething money and/or property. All bequests go directly to supporting individuals with significant need and the community.
Sample wording suitable for a bequest
I give, devise and bequeath to Masonic Foundation, ABN 58 284 634 069, or its succesors, free of all duties, succesion or otherwise State or Federal to use at the discretion of its trustees for charitable purposes.
(A) the sum of $_________ [insert cash sum] OR
(B) the property at __________[insert address] OR
(C) ____% of my residuary estate OR
(D) the residue of my estate
I declare the official receipt of Masonic Foundation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my trustee for this bequest. If you wish to discuss a bequest or donation please contact us on 08 9355 3599 or via
The recipients and the West Australian community thank you for your kind support