Grand Master Message October 2022
My Dear Brethren
I am writing this article with a heavy but grateful heart as I reflect on the life and service of our recently departed Queen of Australia, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Whilst there is no doubt that the Queen led a whole and inspiring life, punctuated by many highlights and, in recent times, some low points, she will be dearly missed by many.
Freemasons, pledge allegiance and loyalty to our head of state and we will continue to honour her service and commitment to us, and support her successor, His Majesty King Charles III.
Announced at the time of her passing, we entered a period of a mourning for little over four weeks. I asked members to wear a black rosette on the point of the flap of their aprons as a mark of respect to the departed monarch.
I take this opportunity to thank all members and their lodges for reacting with urgency to the measures implemented at the time of her Majesty’s passing. This has ensured that members had the opportunity of remembering and paying respects to the Queen as they chose to do so.
We are entering the last few weeks of the first year of our new administration and my term as Grand Master. We are seeing positive change already, even this early in my tenure. The year has seen a period of settling in as we developed and launched the two key strategy documents for both members and Grand Lodge early in the year. This strategy has implemented workshops and training sessions for ceremonial and operational purposes. These activities assist Masters, wardens, officers and all members in better understanding their roles and positions within their lodge. This work is creating new and different ways of approaching their learning within the craft and the perfunctory tasks of lodge management.
I would like to thank the Education & Training Committee for their work to date. I look forward to the next phase, the release of some specific tools and guidance which will assist lodges in thinking about the future of their members. This will also help in planning what sort of lodge they want to create, better engaging and providing relevance to each member.
The Membership & Communications Committee have begun formulating the tactical initiatives and tools for lodges to best manage their membership movement. Launching ‘Beehive 1000’; a membership acquisition and retention program that will assist us with an audacious plan of a net increase in membership of 1000 by the end of 2024.
You will see and hear more shortly on these plans, and I would like to thank the committee for their renewed focus and enthusiasm in bringing this initiative to light.
We will have a new hard copy ritual, thanks to the effort and work of the Ritual & Ceremonial Committee and a reviewed and updated Manual of Rulings. I look forward to a new ‘little black book’ for all members, most notably, our new Master Masons. The Manual of Rulings will ensure good decisions are made in lodges. This is so we can provide a consistent approach to lodge workings adopted by all lodges and members.
By the time you read this, we would have completed exhibiting at the Perth Royal Show. I would like to thank Jason Meotti, Matt Trainor and Timothy McDougall and all other brethren and friends who assisted with the show in highlighting and promoting Freemasonry in WA. All aspects of Freemasons WA, including The Grand Lodge of Western Australia, Masonic Care WA, Masonic Charity outlets and Deximal Property Services, were represented. I also would like to thank the members of the Order of the Eastern Star who provided wonderful support and assisted on the stands promoting Freemasonry and Freemasons WA. We are very grateful to Helen McLaughlan and her members for the wonderful collegial, and supportive way they assisted the week at the show.
In addition, we launched the second raffle for the Masonic Foundation this year, with an opportunity of winning $25,000 – the raffle is still running. I would encourage all to dig deep and look to purchase a few tickets at the very reasonable price of $5/ticket. You have until Friday 16 December 2022, to buy tickets.
The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 26 October 2022, when we will present the annual report. Financial results for Grand Lodge, Masonic Foundation and Masonic Care will equally present their results. The Annual General Meeting will be held in the evening at the Subiaco Masonic Centre. I would encourage as many members as possible to attend, as it will be our first face-to-face meeting in two years and a return to normality.
If you cannot attend, please ensure you have completed a proxy form and send it to the Grand Lodge office so we can ensure your voice counts as and when necessary.
Following the AGM, the Grand Proclamation will occur on Saturday, 29 October 2022, at 10:00 am at the Fremantle Masonic Centre. This again is the first face-to-face proclamation meeting since 2019. I look forward to seeing as many brethren as possible in attendance to witness the investiture of newly appointed and reappointed Grand Officers.
Brethren, we are in new and exciting times with a new King, a Strategy that is beginning to bare some fruit and a renewed sense of enjoyment and engagement throughout the jurisdiction. Thank you to each and every one of you for your ongoing commitment to your lodges and the craft, and I look forward to seeing you all as time and circumstance permit.
MWBro Daniel Ganon
Grand Master