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Canteen Charity Feature

Freemasons WA Grand Master, MW Bro Peter Kirwan talks with Canteen State Manager, Ash Rosindale in this episode of the Grand Lodge Podcast to explore the ways that Canteen is supporting young people with cancer, and their families while they undertake their recovery journeys.

This is a special episode of the Grand Lodge podcast as it marks the end of the three-year term of fundraising for Canteen that the brethren of Freemasons WA undertook whilst under the leadership of the Grand Master and his wife, Lorraine.

The total amount raised will be announced at the Partners Breakfast; one of the upcoming functions at this year’s Western Australian Grand Installation on 30 October 2021. We hope you enjoy this dive into the amazing work that Canteen is doing in our community!

Find out more about Canteen by visiting their website

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