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Introducing the Grand Master Elect

On the 26th March 2021, MW Bro Peter Kirwan announced RW Bro Daniel Ganon had been elected unopposed as the Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Western Australian Freemasons for 2021 – 2024. RW Bro Ganon will be installed as Grand Master later this year on the 30th October in a ceremony attended by Grand Masters and their delegations from all the Australasian States and New Zealand as well as Freemasons from all regions of Western Australia. RW Bro Ganon will be the youngest Grand Master in the history of Freemasonry in Western Australia.

In this episode of the Grand Lodge Podcast, RW Bro Ganon thanked the Grand Master for his support and pledged his commitment to Freemasons WA for his term of office.


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