Grand Master’s Bush Fire Appeal Donation

We’re back with another episode in The Grand Lodge Podcast; this time MW Bro Peter Kirwan hosts Major Brad Potter, WA Division Commander and Warren Palmer, WA Public Relations Secretary, both of The Salvation Army for a brief chat about the Salvo’s response to the bush fire crisis that devastated Australia in early 2020. In…

A Grand Discussion with MW Bros Kirwan and Holland

In this episode of The Grand Lodge Podcast, we cross a new frontier with our first interstate guest, MW Bro Paul Holland, Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Queensland. The Grand Masters discuss the effects of COVID-19 in their respective jurisdictions, maintaining connection with the brethren and reflect on historical occasions that significantly disrupted Masonic…

Podcast Episode 12: Watch & Listen now

In this episode of the Grand Lodge Podcast, RW Bro David Ganon retells his experiences of attending a most significant event in the Masonic calendar, the Grand Installation of the Grand Lodge of the State of Israel in January, 2020. podcast is produced by The Grand Lodge of Freemasons WA featuring interviews with WA…