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WA Freemasons tour Israel in Historic Event

On the 28th of January, for the first time in history a delegation of over 22 senior ranking Freemasons will be representing Western Australia at the installing of the ceremonial head of Freemasons in Israel. Occurring once every five years, the Installation is the most important Freemasonry event in the Israeli calendar and will be held north of Tel Aviv. 

WA Freemasons will also take part in a rare ritual of the Mark Master Mason degree held in the Tzedakya Caves, Jerusalem the following day. This is a first for any Australian Freemason to be invited to undertake. Importantly this reflects the truly respectful relationship that has developed between these two countries through a common association in Freemasonry.

 “This event is extremely significant to Freemasons, as our ceremonies are based around the construction of King Solomon’s temple also known as the First Temple, and was the Holy Temple in ancient Jerusalem before its destruction by Nebuchadnezzar” Western Australian Grand Master Peter Kirwan said. “We will be visiting the same places mentioned in centuries-old Masonic and Biblical scholarly tomes.”

He said, “that in addition to the official ceremonies, we will be visiting a number of historical sites across Israel including the underground tunnels of Serona, Bahai Gardens, Crusader Fortress in Akko and Mt Zion”

Peter also states that the group intends to use the opportunity to raise our Western Australian profile abroad and encourage people to travel here to enjoy our wonderful tourist sites and activities.

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